Tuesday, January 20, 2015

How to Save Money with EASY Weekly Filter Maintenance

What is the procedure to clean my filter cartridge (s)?
and HOW OFTEN should I clean my filter cartridge (s)?
How does this save me money?

1) Remove the cartridge from the filter housing following the manufacturer’s instructions

2) Use a garden hose with a straight flow nozzle to wash down the filter element. Work from the top down, holding the nozzle at a 45 degree angle, and wash all the pleats with emphasis between the pleats.

3) Rinse until all dirt and debris is gone

4) For all spa cartridges and elements used in swimming pools where perspiration, suntan lotions, and other oils are present, dilute in water and SOAK the element for at least one hour (overnight is most effective) or SPRAY ON and rinse 15 minutes later (shorter time because it's concentrated)

BioGuard Filter Cleaner

5) THOROUGHLY Rinse the cartridge again to remove oils and cleaning solution.

6) Allow it to air dry before using again. We recommend that you have an extra filter on hand and rotate them.

More details here...

1 comment:

  1. Once a filter cartridge is used for a long time, then it will not work efficiently for a swimming pool. Even your BioGuard could be failed. In this case there is only a solution to out by replacing filter cartridge. You can choose your compatible filter cartridge from poolfilters.biz
