Monday, March 21, 2011

STEP 3: How to Open Your Pool - How to Attach Your Pump and Filter System to Your Above Ground Pool

 Attaching your pump and filter system to pool is simple if you follow these step by step instructions:

  • Pool hoses (2) 3' to 6' in length*
  • Pump to filter hose (1) - this is made from a different material than the Pool hoses
  • Metal clamps
  • Screwdriver
  • Teflon plumbers tape

Set the pool pump and filter system by your pump's power source and close enough to the pool skimmer for your hoses* to reach and connect them together.

This should be on a flat dry surface, preferably on paving stones or patio blocks.

Attach the first hose to the bottom of the pool skimmer outlet by sliding it over the outlet spout and securing it with a metal clamp holding it in place.

Now, attach the other end of this hose to the inlet on the pool pump with another metal clamp in the same manner. Pull on both connections with your hands to make sure they are tight.

Attach the next hose to the pump outlet and to the filter inlet as per manufacturer's instructions.

This hose is usually shorter and fatter than the other two hoses connected to the pools skimmer and inlet and will install according to manufacturer's directions. Make sure these connections are tight.

Flexible PVC (pictured here) is an excellent choice for this connection. Visit Poolco for the easiest way to attach this type of hose to your filter system. (We keep plenty of Flex PVC in stock.)

Attach the second pool hose to the filter outlet by again sliding the end of the hose over the spout and securing it with another metal clamp.

Slide the other end of this hose over the pool inlet spout on the side of your pool and secure it with the metal clamps.

Fill the pool about one inch from the top of the skimmer opening (inside the pool).

Turn on the pump with the filter in the recirculate or whirlpool setting. (Don't set on "filter" setting until after you have backwashed sand first.)

Now you can begin to inspect for leaks and tighten connections as needed. This topic is covered in our next blog entry.

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