Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Don't Close Your Pool Too Soon!

*Pool owners typically close their pools around Labor Day and in many cases that's too soon, setting the stage for a costly and time consuming process of opening in the spring.

*Closing by the weather and the calendar is a good combination to use. Simply put, if the temperature outside is at 75 degrees and it's the first of September, it's too early to close because historically the temp will increase once again. That increase in temperature will cause bacteria and algae to grow under a covered pool. (The cover also has a solar effect and will INCREASE the temperature of the water under the cover!) As a result any and all winterizing sanitizers will react with these microscope invaders and THERE GOES ALL YOUR WINTER PROTECTION!

*The water temperature for closing should be around 60° and in some cases may not take place until well into the month of September or even later.
*When you are ready, always have your water balanced at PoolCo and inform the person testing your water that your are preparing to close.
*As water gets colder, it has a larger appetite for minerals, and calcium needs to be balanced to higher winter levels to prevent damage to pool surface. Alkalinity levels will also need to be higher in order to help ensure a more stable pH throughout the winter.

Don’t open too late next spring!*IMPORTANT WINTERIZING TIP: If closed properly, winterizing chemicals are made to
properly WORK for a maximum of about 4 months. If the pool is going to be closed for a longer period of time (example closing before October 1 and opening after May 1), it is absolutely necessary to add additional shock and algaecide to the winterizing process. Some pools should also apply additional doses of winterizing chemicals late fall and early spring. (To prevent damage to your pool's surface, see PoolCo for how to properly add chemicals to the pool while covered.) This will help to prevent not only algae growth but chlorine and SoftSwim C demand at pool opening.

Optimizer Plus® Highly recommended for any pool that is closed after Oct 1st is opened after May 1st.

 Save NOW! Optimizer Plus is on sale now. Stop algae growth over the winter and save later with reduced opening chemical cost!

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